Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blessed To Be Called Mommy

I can't even begin to explain how special this day is to me. I am so blessed to have four beautiful, loving, healthy children. I love you all.....Callie, Cade, Ellie Maggie, and Cale. You all touch me in so many different ways. I am so blessed to be your Mommy!! We began today by going to church. This morning was the baby dedication at our church. Now if you aren't sure what that is, it is just where parents stand before the church and promise to raise our kids up in a Godly homes. Homes where God is the center of everything. We were blessed to have three other families join with us in dedicating their little one's also. What a special time, and a huge reminder that we ALL need to put Christ first. We can't follow through on our promise with our kids if WE aren't putting HIM first!!

Just have to get a picture of Daddy with the cute kids too!!!

Here is Daddy showing Cale his new Bible

Mommy holding her sweet little man and his Bible

Look at those sweet hands holding his wrapped Bible

Me and Silly Ellie Maggie

Me and my little man Cade Cambryn

Me and sweet Callie Grace

Here is Cale's Bible out of the wrapping paper. This is a corsage I was awarded with at church this morning. Our preacher awarded this to the Mother with the most kids present with her at church today. I won with four kids!!!! I am so proud to be a mommy!! I thought this was very thoughtful, and I was honored to be the one with the most kids present. I also thought it was very neat that the corsage had four small roses on it! One to represent each of my little one's.

After church we came home to eat a quick lunch and let the baby take a nap. After he woke up we went to visit Mark's mother and dad. Speaking of our parents though, we were blessed to have both my mother and father, and Mark's mother and father at church this morning for Cale's dedication. A.K.A, Nanny and Pa, and Nanna and Papa. We also had the chance to visit with Paul, Libby, Keyver, Lisa, Jay, and Chuck all over at Mark's parents house. My mom came over to our house for a little while this afternoon to visit. I also made the trip over to my Grandparents house late today. I just want all you ladies in our lives to know how much we love you, and appreciate all you do for us!!!! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!! Hope it was as great for everyone else as it was for me. To end my day, I was given the sweetest card and a pretty pink flower basket from Mark and the kids! Thank you guys so much! I am so blessed to be part of your lives!!!!!

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