Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Out Came the Sun and Dried Up All the RAIN"

YAY!!!! We finally saw the SUN after at least a hundred days of clouds and rain. Yes, I am female, and may exaggerat just a small bit! Today, we got a slow start at getting around and on task. I lost a patient today, which some may consider last night because he went to be witht he Lord just a few minutes after midnight. He was my neighbor....and always has been, and someone who has always been a favorite of mine. When I was just a little one, I would go to visit he and his wife. He made a comment on Tuesday to me. He said that when he used to watch me play on the playground, near our homes, that he never knew I would amount to this. Now, I didn't take that as he didn't think I would ever do anything with my life!! I took it as when you are watching someone grow up, you never know how they may help or touch you in your life down the road. I am so blessed to have been able to be there for he and his family. Such a sweet couple. I was able to be there with he and his family at the time of his passing. I have totally fallen in love with each and every one of them. I just wanted to note a few things about my last day with Paul. I had the honor of being his nurse on Tuesday. About mid afternoon he called me to the room because he wanted to give me a hug and kiss on the cheek. He was such a loving caring person ,who even at a time where he was very ill, was worried about making everyone else feel better. I just want to say that I am really going to miss him, and know he is in an awesome place tonight!!! My job is very difficult. Sometimes I don't know how I handle it.....I know that it is God's gift to me..........HE has made it to where I can take care of people in their time of need...........HE gets me through the valley.............HE has given me the gift of being able to be a shoulder for the family losing those they love...........Thank goodness.......because I know I couldn't handle these things on my own.

Instead of our normal routine and chores, I took the afternoon to go to the SuperCenter and get some shopping finished. I managed to drop a small fortune. Feeding six is not cheap!! When I went in to the store it was completely overcast. About 2 1/2 hours later, after I was finished the SUN was out!!!!!!! I was so thankful. I swear, the SUN is a huge stress reliever. After getting home and unloading all the groceries it was time to get outside and enjoy the sun, because in Arkansas, you never know how long it will last. We are expecting more rain tomorrow. Here are some pictures of the kids outside. It is baseball/softball season, and the kids were practicing in the yard.

I meant to post these pics at the end of my last paragraph....HELP!? I don't guess I know what I am doing. My cursor was blinking where I wanted them to go.........

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry about your patient, Hillary had told me that you were his nurse. He and his family were very lucky to have you taking care of him. God has given you a wonderful gift as a nurse. You not only provide health care but heart care too. You did a wonderful job taking care of my grandmother too when she was in the hospital. I know it must be hard to lose a patient that you were so close to but I am glad to see that you are using God for your strength. Loved the pictures! What cute kiddos! About the moving pictures, I just drag and drop them into place. Have a blessed day :)
